Don’t want to go to school!

This morning, our 7yo didn’t want to get out of bed.

“I don’t want to go to school!” she complained.



“Is there something you don’t like at school?”

“We have to do maths for the rest of the week.  I don’t like maths.”

“What are you learning in maths?”

“We’re doing takeaways, like when you go shopping, how much money you have left.”

“That’s important baby.. you have to learn that so you can go shopping.”

“No I don’t.  I can still go shopping,” she replies in a sing-song whining voice.

It just seemed like yesterday when I, myself, was in school and had days that I wanted to wag school!  And now, I’m having to convince my kids that they need to go to school and learn maths.

WHHHYYY??  Does being a parent mean having to get your kids to do the things that you yourself didn’t want to do when you were a kid?

I so wanted to take the day off with her, bring her to the cinemas for a movie, maybe going to Leederville for lunch, go for a walk or cycle then an icecream by the beach…    but…   I have to go work…

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